Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is the Liberal Left and What is its Goal?

What is the Liberal Left and What is its Goal?

What is the Liberal Left and What is its Goal?


The liberal left is neither a singular entity nor even a single group or organization. Liberalism is a mindset just as conservatism is a mindset. For the average liberal there is not one "goal" or outcome for which they strive.

I am sure that most individuals afflicted with a liberal mindset would be unable to name any particular goal for their beliefs. It is in many ways like a religion ... a set of pre-defined attitudes and opinions by which they make decisions in life. Most often these attitudes and opinions are not of their own formation or arrived at through considered thought. Instead, they are learned from others' repeated pronouncements of them. Those making these statements often have come to learn them in the same way. Much the same as fables and Bible stories are passed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately many of the "proclaimers" are entrenched in the schools and colleges and their views are imbedded in impressionable minds not yet skilled in giving these ideas critical examination.

The key to the successful spread of liberalism is specifically its lack of critical thought on the results of liberal ideas and solutions for society's problems. In fact, to be judgmental or to offer analysis of liberal prescriptions is in itself considered being anti-liberal. Just as a critic of any religious denomination is labeled a heretic, so too critics of liberalism are labeled uninformed or unenlightened. In other words you must take their beliefs and accept them even if they are contradictory or counterproductive.

In order to accept liberalism a person must operate on an emotional level almost exclusively. Persons steeped in logic or the physical sciences are far less likely to be swept into the liberal camp. In addition, as people age and experience the trials of life and reflect on the cause-and-effect relationship of events they tend to become less liberal and more conservative in their thinking.

"Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over 30 who is not a conservative has no brains." — Winston Churchill†

Tragically, this means our young are the most vulnerable to liberal indoctrination. Whether by design or happenstance, it is a fact that the teaching profession has a history of attracting persons of a liberal, or leftist, ideology. This places them precisely where they need to be in order to spread their philosophy.

The tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto states, "Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc." — Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – 1848

While most practitioners of liberalism have no true goals or agendas for their beliefs, those in position to affect public policy often do have such goals. The common liberal is but a pawn in the ongoing struggle between socialism and freedom. Those in power on the left know that our system of representative democracy enables them to pursue their statist agenda by winning over the majority of the voting public to their positions and candidates. They are well aware that most people have little time or inclination to study about or give great thought to important matters of the day. Instead, large numbers of voters cast their ballots based purely on emotional terms ... the very heart of liberalism's appeal.

(One could argue that the average conservative is no less a pawn for those on the right. Yet, by definition, a conservative arrives at his beliefs through the process of critical thought. As such, he is much less likely to be swayed by wrong-headed proposals even should they be offered up as "conservative". Most conservatives will weigh issues and solutions on their individual merits and only then decide if they are worthy of support.)

The true agenda of the left is statism or control of the society by a small elite group. They are a patient lot and willing to achieve their goals over a long period of time through seemingly minor and incremental changes in the laws and attitudes of the nation. Through the constant hammering of emotion driven issues — education, the environment, child safety, gun control, nuclear war, etc. — they gradually affect the laws and policies that govern our society. All the while moving us closer to their goal of a nation of serfs working for the benefit of the powerful few that will control every aspect of a citizen's life.

© 20 March 2000

† There is dispute as to whether Sir Winston is responsible for this quotation.

Immigrant Justice | Southern Poverty Law Center

Immigrant Justice | Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center of Hypocrites and Futile attempts to project Hate where it doesn't exist

Hatewatch, "keeping an eye on the Radical Right"

That one eye is more than they'll need. A mirror is the most likely place they'll be finding their targeted haters.

Immigrants are privileged to have the opportunity to come to the U.S. and reap the rewards of living in a (once) free country, where your dreams equal what you put into them.

Illegals are rampant, cost us billions, and THEY have a tough cross to bear by living here?

We've become a country where our roots are being clipped, our rights are stepped on by the ramifications of (god forbid) offending an individual or group that isn't one of us.

What other country screws their own to protect and promote the well being and betterment of immigrants, many illegals?

I don't have to expound on this. It's too ridiculous to address, but the HATE coming from the left is infinite and not subject to a 'Watch" ... It is easily seen in plain view, by numbers that diminish those of the right. The only hate coming from the right, is the disdain for the hate led and bred by the left.

Political Blogs, Conservative Blogging, The Politics Blogspot

Political Blogs, Conservative Blogging, The Politics Blogspot

Katie Pavlich
Liberal Website Calls Herman Cain "Black Garbage Pail Kid"
Email Katie Pavlich | All Posts By Blogger

Another example from the tolerant Leftists.

In one of the greatest showings of racism yet from the Left-wing media, the progressive website Alternet just published a piece calling Herman Cain and other conservative black Americans "black garbage pail kids," after Cain gave a speech over the weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The article also refers to Cain as a "monkey in the window," a "white conservative master entertainer," and even insults his name by calling it ironic.

I'll let the progressive author, Chauncey DeVega do the explaining:
In the immortal words of Megatron in Transformers: The Movie, Herman Cain’s speech at CPAC really is bad comedy. As you know, I find black garbage pail kids black conservatives fascinating not because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and perform for their White Conservative masters.

When race minstrelsy was America’s most popular form of mass entertainment, black actors would often have to pretend to be white men, who then in turn would put on the cork to play the role of the “black” coon, Sambo, or Jumping Jim Crow. Adding insult to injury, in a truly perverse and twisted example of the power of American white supremacy black vaudevillians would often pretend to be white in order to denigrate black people for the pleasures of the white gaze.

Herman Cain–an ironic name if ever, and one more suited to a tragic figure in a Harlem Renaissance era novella–is not “blackening twice” as some race minstrels chose to do.

[Unfortunately, the attendees at CPAC are not the butt of some type of joke where the white man wearing the cork is really a black man in secret.]

Instead, Herman Cain’s shtick is a version of race minstrelsy where he performs “authentic negritude” as wish fulfillment for White Conservative fantasies. Like the fountain at Lourdes, Cain in his designated role as black Conservative mascot, absolves the White racial reactionaries at CPAC of their sins. This is a refined performance that Black Conservatives have perfected over many decades and centuries of practice.

Let’s consider the routine. First, Cain enters the stage to Motown music. Then Cain feigns swimming after rolling up his sleeves to show them his black skin and how he is a hardworking negro (not like those other ones). Cain bellows in a preacher affected voice and channels the folksy negro down home accent of his late grandpappy. In the money shot, Cain gives the obligatory “black folks who are not Republicans are on the plantation” speech to the joyous applause of his White benefactors. And he doubles down by legitimating any opposition to President Barack Obama as virtuous and patriotic regardless of the bigoted well-springs from which it may flow.

In total, CPAC is a carnival and a roadshow for reactionary Conservatives. It is only fitting that in the great tradition of the freak show, the human zoo, the boardwalk, and the great midway world’s fairs of the 19th and 20th centuries, that there is a Borneo man, a Venus Hottentot or a tribe of cannibals from deepest darkest Africa or Papua New Guinea on display. For CPAC and the White Conservative imagination, Herman Cain and his black and brown kin are that featured attraction.

We always need a monkey in the window, for he/she reminds us of our humanity while simultaneously reinforcing a sense of our own superiority.

Anti-Walker Rally - Madison, WI | February 16, 2011

Despicable display of HATE from the Left.
The obscenities written and spoken in reference to Governor Walker
is a sad bookmark in history, and the breakdown of the United States.